Learn from the Greats

Greatest American Speeches Vol I Giant 225 Page E-Book
Greatest American Speeches Vol II Giant 229 Page E-Book
Greatest American Speeches Vol III Giant 275 Page E-Book
Greatest American Speeches Vol IV Giant 260 Page E-Book

(25 Immediately Downloadable Speeches in each Volume)

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Alphabetical Contents
by Speaker’s Name

Volume I

Adams, Samuel
1776, American Independence

Addams, Jane
1896, A Modern Lear

Anthony, Susan B.
1873, On Woman’s Right to Suffrage

Bush, George W.
2001, We Are a Country Awakened to Danger
and Called to Defend Freedom

Darrow, Clarence
1924, Plea for Mercy

Eisenhower, Dwight D.
1961, Farewell Address

Emerson, Ralph Waldo
1837, The American Scholar

Faulkner, William
1950, Acceptance Speech

Henry, Patrick
1775, Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death

Johnson, Lyndon B.
1965, We Shall Overcome

Jordan, Barbara
1976, Who Then Will Speak for the Common Good?

Kennedy, John F.
1961, Inaugural Address

Kennedy, Robert
1968, Statement on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

King (Jr.), Martin Luther
1963, I Have a Dream

LeGuin, Ursula
1983, A Left-Handed Commencement Address

Lincoln, Abraham
1863, The Gettysburg Address

MacArthur, Douglas
1951, Old Soldiers Never Die

Malcolm X
1964, The Ballot or the Bullet

Nixon, Richard M.
1952, My Side of the Story

Reagan, Ronald
1987, Address at the Brandenburg Gate

Roosevelt, Eleanor
1948, Adoption of the Declaration of Human Rights

Roosevelt, Franklin D.
1941, A Date which Will Live in Infamy

Sagoyewatha (Red Jacket)
1805, Address to a White Missionary

Washington, George
1789, Inaugural Address

Wilson, Woodrow
1917, The World Must Be Made Safe for Democracy

Volume II

Chapman, John Jay
1912, Memorial Speech for Zacariah Walker,
Murdered after his Arrest

Clinton, Hillary Rodham
1995, Women’s Rights are Human Rights

Conwell, Russell
1900 – 1925, Acres of Diamonds

Coughlin, Charles
1936, Roosevelt and Ruin

Cuomo, Mario
1984, A Tale of Two Cities

Debs, Eugene V.
1918, Defense Statement to the Court on the Sedition Act

Eisenhower, Dwight D.
1953, Atoms for Peace

Hancock, John
1774, On the Anniversary of the Boston Massacre

Jordan, Barbara
1974, Statement on the Articles of Impeachment of Richard Nixon

Kennedy, John F.
1960, Address to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association

King, Martin Luther, Jr.
1968, I’ve Been to the Mountaintop

Lewis, John L.
1947, United Mine Workers Address to Congress

Lincoln, Abraham
1858, A House Divided

Long, Huey
1934, Share the Wealth

MacArthur, Douglas
1962, Duty, Honor, Country

Nixon, Richard M.
1969, The Great Silent Majority

Patton, George S., Jr.
1944, Speech to Troops Prior to Invading Normandy

Reagan, Ronald
1986, Address on the Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

Richards, Ann
1988, Keynote Address at the Democratic National Convention

Roosevelt, Franklin D.
1933, Inaugural Address

Seattle, Chief
1854, Address to Governor Isaac Stevens

Shaw, Anna Howard
1915, The Fundamental Principle of a Republic

Talmadge, Eugene
1936, Address to Jeffersonian Democrats

Truman, Harry S.
1947, The Truman Doctrine

Twain, Mark
1902, Speech in Praise of George Washington and
[Mock] Defense of General Funston

Volume III

Beecher, Henry Ward
1866, Woman’s Duty to Vote

Bush, Barbara
1990, Choices and Change

Carter, Jimmy
1979, The Crisis of Confidence

Catt, Carrie Chapman
1916, The Crisis

Clinton, Bill
1996, Speech at the Anniversary Prayer Service of the
Oklahoma City Bombing

Corwin, Thomas
847, Against the Mexican War

Douglas, Stephen A.
1858, Lincoln-Douglas Debate Speech for Senate Race

Eastman, Crystal
1920, Now We Can Begin

Edwards, Jonathan
1741, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Fisher, Mary
1992, A Whisper of AIDS

Franklin, Benjamin
1787, Speech for Adoption of the Constitution of the United States

Gehrig, Lou
1939, Farewell to Baseball

Goldman, Emma
1917, Address to the Jury

Hill, Anita
1991, Statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee

Jefferson, Thomas
1801, Inaugural Address

Johnson, Lyndon B.
1964, The Great Society

Kennedy, John F.
1962, Address on the Cuban Missile Crisis

Roosevelt, Franklin D.
1941, The Four Freedoms

Roosevelt, Theodore
1899, The Strenuous Life

Sanger, Margaret
1921 – 1922, A Moral Necessity for Birth Control

Smith, Margaret Chase
1950, Declaration of Conscience

Webster, Daniel
1826, Adams and Jefferson

Welch, Joseph
1954, Have You No Sense of Decency?

Wiesel, Elie
1999, The Perils of Indifference

Wilson, Woodrow
1918, The Fourteen Points

Volume IV

Agnew, Spiro
1969, Television News Coverage

Bryan, William Jennings
1896, Cross of Gold

Corbin, Francis
1788, Answering Patrick Henry

Ferraro, Geraldine
1984, Acceptance Speech

Ford, Gerald
1974, Our Long National Nightmare Is Over

Goldwater, Barry
1964, Extremism in the Defense of Liberty Is No Vice

Grady, Henry
1886, The New South

Hedley, James
1880 – 1900, The Sunny Side of Life

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
1884, In Our Youth Our Hearts Were Troubled With Fire

Humphrey, Hubert H.
1948, The Sunshine of Human Rights

Kennedy, Edward M.
1968, Eulogy to Robert Kennedy

Lincoln, Abraham
1865, Second Inaugural Address

Madison, James
1789, Proposal for the Bill of Rights

Marshall, George C.
1947, The Marshall Plan

Minow, Newton W.
1961, Television and the Public Interest

Nixon, Richard
1974, Speech to Resign the Presidency

Otis, James
1761, Against the Writs of Assistance

Reagan, Ronald
1984, Address on the 40th Anniversary of D-Day

Roosevelt, Franklin D.
1932, Address to the Commonwealth Club

Roosevelt, Franklin D.
1933, The Banking Crisis

Sanger, Margaret
1925, The Children’s Era

Savio, Mario
1964, An End to History

Terrell, Mary Church
1906, What It Means to Be Colored in the
Capital of the United States

Wilson, Woodrow
1919, Final Address to the League of Nations

Winthrop, John

1645, On Liberty

You will relive those glorious and not so glorious moments of our history when great orators moved people to action.
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Learn from the great speakers of American History. Some are old and some are new, but all were able to connect with their intended audience. They made impacts that will be remembered forever. Study their techniques and just maybe you will be in the next volume of the Greatest American Speeches.


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